VelaShape III the Body Shaping Gold Standard
No other non-surgical body sculpting platform competes
We continually strive to ensure that our clients at SAI are always receiving the world’s most cutting-edge & proven treatments.
This is our ongoing pursuit of the perfect non-surgical treatment to improve on results, minimise downtime & absolutely satisfy our clients with beautiful results.
With many of our treatments, we have successfully improved results & treatment efficiency using refined technology or techniques, but one treatment has maintained its place as the globes gold standard. This technology belongs to VelaShape III. What’s more, the VelaShape III platform continues to advance itself with additional indications all based on sound scientific study & proven results from around the world.
Non-Surgical Body Shaping
The idea to achieve an improved body shape without surgical intervention & the downtime associated with it seemed preposterous a few year ago.
Many platforms tried to mimic surgical results and over time we began to see positive results. Then VelaShape III entered the market & blew every other treatment out of the water. We now had a platform that offered us the ability to:
- Tighten Skin
- Reduce Fat
- Eradicate Cellulite
- Stimulate Collagen Synthesis
All this is due to superb scientific research that focusses on three key areas, which in turn impacts the overall result. It’s a genius combination of suction, massage & a blend of infrared light with radio frequency energy. The result is a targeted approach to break down cellulite, fat cells & stimulate the lymphatic system to eradicate unwanted cells – ultimately a redefined body contour. The added bonus of these three factors increases blood flow to the treatment area resulting in collagen synthesis & improved skin-tone with an improvement in skin elasticity, which aids in lifting & tightening the skin for congruent body sculpting accuracy.
All this together means improved body shape, with less fat, less cellulite & tighter skin for effective non-surgical body shaping.
There is no other platform that can compete with VelaShape III. It is to be noted that VelaShape III has over the years improved on the hand pieces to provide more accurate treatments to more areas of the body & we now offer body shaping treatments for the:
- Neck
- Thighs
- Buttocks
- Belly
Combine this with cellulite reduction, fat reduction & skin lifting and you can say goodbye to those unwanted bulges to create the body shape you want all within a few treatments. The beach or pool is calling you!
NOTE: Homecare is always a recommended addition to any treatment & we are seeing fantastic results when combining VelaShape III neck-lift treatments with NeoStrata Triple Firming Neck Cream. You can explore the product in our Online Store here.
What is a VelaShape III treatment like?
Each VelaShape III treatment time depends on the area or areas being targeted but the average is between 30 – 45 minutes.
Treatments are painless & you simply walk out the door & back to your daily life once your session is complete. You will see results after a single treatment but we always recommend a minimum 3 x package treatment to ensure that we sculpt the body you have in mind, with each treatment occurring weekly.
If you can imagine yourself with that flat belly, tighter neck or improved shape to your thighs & buttocks, then come see why VelaShape III is regarded so highly. You no longer need to undergo expensive surgery with excessive downtime to achieve the body shaping & cellulite results that you desire. Call SAI Sandton today on 011 883 3116 and book a consultation or alternately leave us a message on Facebook & we’ll answer any questions that you may have.
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