The Challenge of Delicate Skin

| April 29, 2021

Skin that is fragile by nature, located in a tricky-to-treat regions, (or heavily depended on i.e., the hands), requires finesse and expertise to address.

a. Skin located around the eyes

Notoriously thin, fragile skin around the eyes is less capable of retaining optimal moisture levels making it dryer in nature than other facial skin areas. It is also easily subject to puffiness, reactions to cosmetics, gland blockages, and a myriad of closely located always-moving facial muscles. Redness, wrinkles, and other common eye area complaints lead to a tired, ‘worn-down’ aesthetic. Meticulous care must be taken with in-clinic treatments and product application – due to the region location, only a few options are in fact suitable.

b. Neck region

The dermal surface of the neck has several unique factors at play. These include thinner skin with fewer oil glands, daily exposure to the elements, nearly continuous muscle movement, and a tendency to be excluded from facial skin routines. All of these aspects combine to alter texture and contribute to skin loosening. Pigmentation &/ capillaries are easily visible through thinner skin located here.

c. Areas exhibiting enlarged pores

Enlarged pores can be influenced by decreased skin elasticity, unrefined skincare general changes that come with age, as well as other elements which put skin out of balance such as stress and fatigue. Treating the enlarged pore appearance – without irritating the surrounding skin – requires care.

d. Hands

The hands work rigorously from sunrise to sundown. Skin on the hands showcases ageing quickly as there is not much ‘fat’ to begin with, tendons and muscles are prominent, and daily living (including excess sun exposure, think about how much time you spent with your hands on the wheel prior to Covid) takes a heavy toll on this area. Treatment must address UV damage such as sunspots as well as crêpey skin lacking moisture – whilst avoiding downtime and interference with mobility.

Potential Treatments for common Sensitive skin trouble spots

While traditional aesthetic interventions focus on preventing lines and wrinkles or creating a glowing complexion; finding the correct treatment for thin and sensitive skin areas can prove to be a challenge. Let’s look closer at frequent treatment approaches available and how they address concerns.

Selecting the best intervention for your unique skin is best done with an in-person consultation at SAI.

Skin located around the eyes

  • Homecare routine changes can improve ageing seen around the eyes. The incorporation of a specialized Eye Cream into one’s homecare regime can prove to be very useful at combating unwanted visible ageing in the eye area. It is of import that the product’s active ingredients be formulated for this use and safe for application near eyes.
  • IV Skin Brightening is a relaxing and nourishing whole body skin treatment. Specialized skin healing nutrients are delivered directly intravenously for beauty from the inside out, naturally! This has a whole-body effect.
  • IPL is often employed as it is a focussed and effective solution to UV damage, fine lines and wrinkles, broken capillaries, inflammation or Rosacea affecting the eye area.

Neck region

  • Velashape integrates three mechanism of action for effective Skin Tightening. It balances a non-invasive radio frequency, infrared, and mechanical suction technology for trustworthy results. An excellent non-surgical option for skin tightening in the neck region.
  • IPL is another excellent choice. It treats dermal texture complaints, neck wrinkles, veins or sun damage, and sagging skin.

Areas exhibiting enlarged pores

  • IPL  is often utilized for problematic enlarged pores. It refines the skin’s surface, stimulates cellular turnover and collagen production, and assists in bringing skin back into homeostasis.
  • Dermapen treatment may also be a recommended course of action; it relies on initiating The Healing Cascade to jump start Skin Rejuvenation.
  • Chemical Peels which have been individually formulated may also prove beneficial – with their dependable mechanism of action which relies on chemically induced exfoliation to uncover fresh beautiful skin in balance.


  • IPL is ideal for evening-out skin tone issues through the elimination of discolouration or sunspots often found on the back of the hands. It will also treat and remove benign skin bumps or lesions known as Seborrheic Keratoses. Its ability to raise collagen within skin – fights back against bony or ‘skeletal’ looking hands.
  • Dermal Fillers are frequently employed on the back of the hands to supplement diminished volume. Fillers with high HA content assist overworked skin to retain moisture, thus smoothing, restoring and improving the dermal surface.
  • Chemical Peels can be applied to the back of the hands without fuss. They work faithfully to aid in restoring the skin’s surface for fresher, younger appearing skin.

Why is IPL seemingly a universal treatment choice for delicate or sensitive areas showcasing ageing skin or blemishes?

Intense Pulse Laser (IPL) is a proven technology for the treatment of skin conditions which are deeper than surface level. Accurate and efficaciously, it targets and removes damaged cells while simultaneously boosting collagen production following. It is non-invasive and does not require downtime.

Special Alert! Receive a 15% discount on All Laser/IPL treatments quotes during the month of May 2021

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