Spring Metabolic Detox Program
Do you want more energy, better sleep and better digestion?
Do you sometimes feel tired, irritable or moody, struggling to lose weight, have visible signs of cellulite?
Complete our questionaire below.
Over time, the build-up of toxins from the environment and lifestyle choices can compromise the way our bodies work, and even lead to health issues. While many people are familiar with the idea of detoxification, there is a great deal of confusion about how to do it safely. For example, trendy water or juice fasting may cause muscle wasting and an increased feeling of fatigue.
In order to detoxify properly, the body needs nutrients such as quality protein and carbohydrates, plus targeted nutritional support.
The 10 day Spring Metabolic Detox Program enhances the body’s natural metabolic detoxification process while providing adequate fuel for both cleansing and other daily activities, supporting energy metabolism and overall well-being. You will also complete your 10 day program under the supervision of our dietician.
What the 10 day Metabolic Detox program includes:
- An initial 45 minute consult with our dietician. She will review your health profile, do a body composition analysis (weight, height, waist-circumference, body fat and lean body mass evaluation) and explain the 10 day program to you.
- The nutritional supplements to complete your 10 day metabolic detox (Including a medical food to support your body while on the 10 day program, AdvaClear® capsules to provide detoxification and antioxidant support that promotes overall well-being, Ultra Flora Plus® and Ultrafiber® to help support a healthy digestive environment.)
- Between days 8-10 a follow-up body composition analysis and eating plan to transition to a healthy lifestyle program or a healthy body composition program if you want to get rid of a few extra kilograms. Nutritional products, if needed, for the transition plan are not included in this special.
How do you know if the 10-day Metabolic Detox program is for you?
Download, print and complete our detoxification questionnaire
(Work on symptoms for the last 30 days):
- If your total score is < 50 then the 10-day Metabolic Detox program is for you.
- If your total score is > 50 then you have severe symptoms and need a 28-day program, please book an appointment with the dietician to assist you with a program that will be more suited to your needs. This will not form part of the 10-day special.
To book phone 011 883 3116 if you have any questions please e-mail our dietician on helena@execucare.co.za
Category: Whats New