Spring Clean Pigmentation

| September 1, 2014

Spring is in the air… but have you thought about your skin?

Great news everyone! While you have been spring-cleaning and preparing your homes for Summer, the team at SAI have been developing a dual treatment for your skin this Spring.

Using latest technology and homecare options the idea behind the pigmentation skin Spring clean programme is to get your skin back to its radiant best without downtime or significant time out of the office.

What are Your options?

The best results are gained by combining two treatment options that compliment one another – both targeting skin clarity and even tone:

  • OPL for pigmentation
  • Crystal Tomato

You may decide that you only want one of the two treatments. You will still get fantastic results, but this pigmentation Spring clean is all about achieving your complexion results in the fastest time possible.

OPL (Optimised Pulsed Light)

OPL is the well-documented upgrade to IPL laser technology. Improved accuracy and malleable wavelengths make OPL a perfect pigmentation treatment option. Pigmentation treatments with OPL use specific wavelengths to target an d destroy vascular and pigmented lesions within the skin.

It may not be pretty but hyperpigmentation is usually harmless. This common condition is caused by overactive skin cells called melanocytes, which stimulate the production of melanin, the substance that gives your skin color.

There is no pain involved and can return to your social life immediately. A small side effect is that directly after the treatment your skin may be a little sun sensitive, which is even more reason to take advantage now and prepare your skin for summer.

Crystal Tomato

crystalThe joy of Crystal Tomato is simple. It is a capsule that you take daily for improved pigmentation results. The treatment produces fantastic results as a stand-alone treatment but when used in combination with OPL – there is added duration to your flawless skin complexion.

Crystal Tomato uses colourless carotenoids as a natural way to reduce existing melanin in the skin and inhibit melanin synthesis. As a treatment – Crystal Tomato removes pigmentation for a lighter and softer complexion, but also stops further pigmentation to keep your skin that way.

If you are concerned with your complexion or pigmentation, Spring is the perfect time to address the issue. Make an appointment now with the team at SAI for a full evaluation: 011 883 3116.

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