Skin Resolutions for 2015

| January 9, 2015

The year of flawless skin

vampEach year we make resolutions. The more common include getting fit and in shape, stress less & quitting smoking. The joy of all these is that they all will positively impact your skin and visible age.

So for 2015 we would like to recommend some Skin Resolutions.

  1. Get fit – Getting fit means getting healthy and the same goes for your skin. Your skin is a window to your inner health and any positive strides toward getting healthy will slow environmental ageing.But remember you will need to apply daily sunblock, more so if you are joining running clubs, outdoor events or the likes.
    You may also want to visit SAI every fourth month or so for a Restylane SkinBooster treatment. This treatment hydrates the skin from within ensuring youthful plumpness to the skin and minimizing risk of visible ageing.Then should your exercise not rid you of stubborn fat the team at SAI have a VelaShape 3 solution for you. A non-invasive treatment for:
    • Stubborn Fat
    • Skin Tightening
    • Cellulite
    • Skin Lifting
  1. Quit unhealthy habits – Apart from being detrimental to your health external factors like smoking, over eating and excessive drinking will also negatively affect your visible age.
    As an anti-aging resolution this is an absolute essential.

Smoking leaves your skin dull and fragile, while alcohol will increase the risk of spider veins and erythema. A full skin rejuvenation protocol will greatly reduce the visible signs of ageing caused by smoking, and would benefit nearly every patient at SAI. The preferred Skin Rejuvenation treatment at SAI is Platelet Rich Plasma, otherwise known as the Vampire Facial. Call SAI today to find out more.

To combat existing signs of spider veins, the team at SAI have multiple treatment options for IPL, OPL and Palomar solutions. This is to ensure each and every skin type and tone can be safely and accurately treated.

  1. Stress less – We cannot control the stress in our lives, but we can go a long way to reduce it. Spending more time with family or sneaking away for quiet weekends in the bush will certainly help. We at SAI see more and more stress related acne breakouts each year, so attempting stress less will solidify your flawless skin resolution too.

At SAI we have to treat each acne case with specific treatments that match the cause, so as to offer long-term solutions. That means we have treatment options ranging form Silkpeel, Botulinum Toxin, Dermal fillers, Laser and homecare.

If stress in the new year is causing your to default on your flawless skin 2015 resolutions, then call SAI today and let us diagnose and treat your individual acne problem.

Call SAI today on 011 883 3116 (Sandton) or 012 460 7047 (Waterkloof) to find out about all our 2015 skin resolution treatments and to see if we can help with any of yours.

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