SAI Online Shopping

| July 1, 2016

The SAI online store coming soon

NeoStrata-Bio-Hydrating-Cream-210013SAI are proud to announce that we are underway with the build of an online ecommerce store. The SAI online store has no official release date yet but it will provide clients an opportunity to purchase their homecare & skincare ranges online with home delivery. The site is being custom developed to ensure payment gateway security & will host the full range of products currently available at both the SAI Sandton & SAI Waterkloof branches.

What’s more is that the SAI online store will host a new range of custom developed products from the doctors at SAI, plus offer access to skin specific skin scripted products.

Although a few products will only be available to scripted patients, the majority of creams, lotions, serums & care products will be available to all, for all skin types & with enough information to help you make the best skincare decision possible.

Should you ever need assistance in making the correct skin decisions, the doctors & therapist at SAI will always be available to ensure you are working with the most effective & active products to achieve your desired skin results.  It is as easy as making an appointment with Dr Clark or Dr Marks at SAI by calling SAI Sandton on 011 883 3116 or SAI Waterkloof on 012 460 7047.

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