Pre & Pro Biotics in Anti-Ageing

| March 1, 2016

The start of the new revolution?

A new revolution could be upon us. Perhaps it will take the anti-ageing world by storm as “Banting” did for the holistic healthy eating die-hards, or perhaps it will gently enter your anti-ageing regime and become a staple addition to your daily creams, monthly aesthetic touch-ups and healthy lifestyle habits. We are talking about the introduction of Pre & Pro Biotics into the skincare industry.

Holistic Habits

Both Dr Clark & Dr Marks at SAI are firm believers in holistic skincare. This essentially means that they believe in a healthy skin structure as a base to enhance aesthetic procedures, and they also believe that lifestyle factors can affect this skin base. As such, they treat their patients with an overview of internal health to achieve external anti-ageing results. Some lifestyle factors include:

  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Smoking
  • Stress

Dr Marks & Dr Clark know that if they can treat the above elements, your skin & anti-ageing regime will have more spectacular results than if they were left untreated. It is their dedication to your desired result that they keep this approach.

Where do Pre & Pro Biotics come in?

We have covered how diet can affect the general health of your skin. I.e. Glycation can have a massive damaging effect on collagen & elastin; creating an environment susceptible for the development of wrinkles.

We know that if we create healthy eating habits then the body will function at optimum and assist in stimulating new collagen, elastin, HA synthesis & general health… and this is where anti-ageing probiotics come in.

Added SAI Bonus: The correct prescription of Pro or Pre Biotic’s will not only help you reduce wrinkles but also stimulate healthier nails & shinier hair.

The prescription is key

There are multiple pro and pre biotics on the market today & some are aimed toward those wishing to improve the quality of their skin. The key is to consult with either Dr Marks or Dr Clark at SAI and let them decide upon the ideal pre treatment using pro or pre biotics, medical eating plans and combine that with a thorough anti-ageing regime. You will begin to look & feel younger, fresher and more vibrant within days.
By understanding the active ingredients in the various probiotics on the market today Dr Clark & Dr Marks will be able to tailor what areas are most important to you and your skin need:

  1. Wrinkle prevention
  2. Skin moisture
  3. Sun damage repair
  4. General skin health

This is the next phase in holistic anti-ageing and the team at SAI are on the cutting edge. If you wish to explore how pro & pre biotics can aid in your skincare regime, simply make an appointment with Dr Clark or Dr Marks at SAI Sandton: 011 883 3116 or SAI Waterkloof 012 460 7047 and let them prescribe the perfect holistic treatment schedule for you.

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