Painless Hand Rejuvenation

| May 30, 2012 | Reply

More advancement in technique to let us rejuvenate your hands with ZERO pain

Restylane Vital

Restylane Vital will create a hydrobalance or a moisture layer in your skin to maintain hydration. This improved hydration will thicken, add glow and improve the texture of the skin

Given the meteoric rise in hand rejuvenation popularity Dr Clark has pioneered a new painless injection technique to administer Restylane Vital into the back of the hands.

Your hands are a window showing your true age and now you can visit SAI and walk away without ever feeling a pinch of pain.

Restylane Vital will create a hydrobalance or a moisture layer in your skin to maintain hydration. This improved hydration will thicken, add glow and improve the texture of the skin. In the past however each treatment would involve multiple injections into the back of the hand.

Dr Clark has developed a ring block technique that will numb the entire hand. This involves a superficial injection around the wrist. The numbness allows full hand mobility but deadens the nerves. This numbness will last approximately 30minutes.

To avoid bruising Dr Clark has also developed a new technique involving a micro cannula. This eliminates the bruising risk associated with needles. The technique involves inserting the micro-cannula via the spaces between the knuckles. This allows ease of access for Dr Clark and an accurate treatment. Having sufficient space to manipulate the cannula from using this insertion point means you can expect accurately placed product for a superb result.

The results are fantastic and the treatment willtake less than 30 minutes for both hands. Similar techniques are available for Restylane Vital rejuvenation treatments in the face, neck and lips. If you are interested in skin rejuvenation, make an appointment to visit Dr Clark and his team and they will direct you to what is the best treatment option for you.

Category: Whats New

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