Microneedling treatment of Acne and Acne Scars

| September 11, 2023

Acne does not discriminate. Breakouts affect people of either sex, every nation, and can occur any age. It is a universal bane.

Aesthetic Impact of Acne

Acne has a negative impact on one’s skin health. Psychologically, this can be a negative influence on confidence and sense of ease. Physically affected skin can appear swollen, be painful, and feature discolouration. Post-inflammatory pigmentation can become visible after a breakout of any severity. The formation of lasting scarring on the skin’s surface is often influenced by genetic factors such as skin type, tone, and hormones.

Thankfully, individuals can take action to prevent future breakouts, stop ongoing breakouts, as well as positively affect a predisposition towards scarring. One can even successfully address existing scarring through the intervention of Aesthetic Medicine.

Acne Treatment via Dermapen

Significant research investment has been made into strategies for effective treatment of acne-prone skin; due to the wide-reaching nature of the problem. Microneedling has emerged as a minimally invasive therapy providing positive treatment outcomes.

Microneedling employs multiple sterilized micro-gauge needles which pierce the skin layers at specific depths. Through this controlled action biological components within one’s dermal matrix are stimulated and released. These rebuild and regenerate previously damaged skin or skin that is suffering from an inflammatory breakout currently.

Dermapen IV is quite possibly the most advanced patented microneedling technology available. Learn more by clicking here, or go straight to the September 2023 Specials.

It does a superb job at the induction of the dynamic duo consisting of collagen and elastin. These skin structure superpowers allow for healthy rejuvenated skin to replace injured tissue which results in an even toned and smoothed dermal surface.

In addition, and to further support the formation of new unblemished skin; an active ingredient rich serum or topical medical acne treatment is to be applied directly following Dermapen use. Penetration and absorption of these into deeper skin layers is abetted and enhanced by the micro-conduits into deeper skin layers that the needles have supplied.

Intervention and Prevention of Acne using Dermapen

Microneedling can be utilized as an intervention and prevention tool for breakouts. It affects change through directly shifting the dynamics within the intracellular matrix. It also makes a positive impact through diligently addressing excess sebum and cell debris resulting in cleared-out pores that are minimized in size. Through increased cellular turnover, skin is able to balance itself better. The delivery of hydration and nourishment helps prevent breakouts.

Understanding Acne Scarring

Acne is accompanied by inflammation. When this inflammation goes deep within dermal layers it can cause damage that results in visible disruption of the skin surface or scarring. Scars are divided into whether they are hypertrophic or atrophic in nature.

  • Hypertrophic scars are raised above surrounding skin and result from an excess of collagen during healing.
  • Atrophic scars are characterized by depressions that make them appear lower than surrounding skin. Three types of atrophic scars left from acne are ice pick, rolling, and boxcar.

Ice pick – ‘V’ shaped scars that narrow to a point as they go progressively deeper into skin. Common but challenging to eradicate. Often affects thinner skin on forehead and upper cheeks.

Rolling – Wider scars with sloping or rounded edges. Irregular in appearance making skin look uneven or wavy. Often found on thicker skin of jaw and lower cheeks.

Boxcar – ‘U’ shaped scars that have sharper edges. May be shallow or go quite deep. Often found on skin of jaw and lower cheeks.

Dermapen’s Direct Effect on Acne Scars

Published clinical research has shown that microneedling is a “tolerable, safe, and non-invasive treatment” for atrophic acne scars. Post treatment results were: “significant decrease of total acne scars and its 3 types separately (icepicks, boxcar, and rolling)” Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29846342/ & https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7394107/

Procedure and After-care

Microneedling is best done within a sterile, hygienic, and comfortable medical aesthetic clinic. Professional application minimizes risk and increases positive outcomes. Clients find that Dermapen treatment is comfortable and involves very little pain. Most Clients say they feel no pain whatsoever.

To begin, the treatment area is prepared and a topical numbing cream applied. Treatment takes less than one hour and prescribed product is applied directly following. Brand new needles are used every time!

Post-treatment care will involve limiting make-up, heavy sweating, and direct sun exposure for up to 48 hours. Follow your Doctor’s instructions regarding what to apply within treatment zone and what to forego. Results may appear fairly quickly but it is more likely that they will become increasingly visible with time. Expect best results in the time period of four to six weeks so patience is importance. No downtime is required or expected following a Dermapen treatment.

A single Dermapen treatment can cause positive change, however, in certain cases a series of treatments is required to achieve the final result.

Individualized Protocols

Your unique skin-type, health-history, concerns, and priorities will inform Dr Clark’s creation of a personalized strategy capable of achieving your aesthetic desires.

Depending on the outcome goals; more than one session of Dermapen Therapy is likely to be recommended. Combination treatments that incorporate chemical peels or platelet rich plasma can yield significant results. Dr Clark will also discuss any medications you are on as well as advise on appropriate skincare products that will complement your acne treatment goals and ensure you maximize the results you want!

Healthy Skin

Safe for skin of every type, texture, and pigment, Dermapen is a treatment that is accessible for everyone looking to rejuvenate and feel great!

Regardless of the type of acne you suffer from; microneedling will help regenerate beautiful, even-toned, blemish free skin. Source 3.

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