Metagenics – Medical food and supplements
Medical food and supplements
Metagenics is a medical food and supplement company providing nutritional support to individuals who need nutritional assistance to a level that is unobtainable via normal dietary measurements. The company develops supplements for an array of problems, but the first range of products at SAI are the UltraMeal Plus 360 regime.
The UltraMeal Plus 360 is a superb treatment plan for both Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Disease.
Under medical guidance
Metagenics is clinically researched to provide very specific nutritional needs for very specific conditions. It is important that you work with a trained professional to ensure you get the best results.
That is why SAI, Helena the Dietician and Execucare are forming such strong bonds. The testing is done at Execucare and you will be given you nutritional planning from SAI based upon Helena’s diagnosis.
If you are interested in undergoing a dietician analysis please call SAI now to make an appointment to Helena on 011 883 3166
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