Leg veins: Prevention & Cure

| September 5, 2017

Tackling leg veins from all directions

With the Summer Season we at SAI have an influx of enquiries to treat leg veins.

Many people are self-conscious about them & despite undergoing anti-ageing & body shaping treatments they find that the onslaught of leg veins is something they simply cannot control. Until now…

There are numerous factors involved in the formation of leg veins & treatments have evolved over time to remove them effectively without incurring any downtime. Treatment, however, is not a cure & Dr Clark & his team of therapist have been evaluating a treatment protocol to not only treat existing leg veins but also to minimise the risk of developing new ones.

Understanding Leg Veins

Excessive sitting, a lack of exercise & poor diet: these all tie in together to mean: poor blood circulation.

This is the primary cause of visible leg veins. With poor circulation, blood tends to stand at various places throughout the body & the legs, being far from the pumping heart, take the brunt of this. Unfortunately, this standing or slow flowing blood places excessive pressure on the one-way valves in the legs venous system & slowly they become ineffective.

This essentially means that longer & longer sections of veins become almost permanently visible due to poor circulation & the only treatment currently available is to eradicate the vein. In some cases, although this would be a surgical intervention, as some varicose veins can become dangerous & should be removed for medical / health reasons.

Treating Leg Veins in Aesthetics

In the past, aesthetic treatments included sclerotherapy whereby doctors injected a solution directly into the troublesome vein; this collapsed the vein walls which would lead to the body eliminating the damaged cells. Treatments using sclerotherapy required a specific solution, an extremely accurate injection & the treatment was not only uncomfortable but resulted in several bruises.

At SAI we have moved away from sclerotherapy & introduced laser leg vein treatments as our method to treat visible leg veins.

By using laser technology, we can accurately target & effectively treat leg veins throughout the skin without discomfort & without incurring any recovery time.

Laser leg vein treatments last anything from 20-minutes to an hour & results are visible within a day post treatment. Within the month of September 2017, there is a special on all Laser Treatments.

How to prevent unsightly Leg Veins?

Unfortunately, many of us simply do not have the time to work out at the gym consistently. It is our SAI mission to help clients reduce the risk of developing new varicose veins; so the next time you visit SAI, invest in a for a Proellixe Vibration treatment. Proellixe Vibration is a medical vibration plate designed to achieve a number of results including:

  • Improved circulation
  • Improved bone density
  • Reduction in cellulite
  • Increased muscle tone

Simply by stepping onto the Proellixe Vibration machine at SAI you will benefit greatly from improved circulation & reduce the risk of developing additional leg veins, plus as you can see – the additional benefits are not bad either.

Proellixe Vibration treatments can be as short as 20-minutes & the specific program options will help us target various areas of the body.

We believe that tackling visible leg veins from both angles will greatly improve your confidence on the beach, at the pool or even wearing a skirt in the boardroom. Treat the existing visibly leg veins & minimise the risk of developing new ones. Perfect!

Make an Appointment

Find out more about our September 2017 Laser Treatment Specials or make your appointment with an SAI team member by calling SAI Sandton on 011 883 3116 today.


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