Latest techniques to minimise bruising

| September 3, 2015


bruiseOf the biggest fears in aesthetic medicine listed by patients, visible bruising and social downtime rank consistently near the top. We at SAI often list social downtime as recovery simply due to the fact that many clients would like to remain discreet about their ongoing anti-ageing treatments. As such Dr Clark & Dr Marks are both constantly on the look-out for improved techniques to reduce patient bruising.

Bruising is most prevalent when injecting dermal fillers. The joy of working with an experienced team like Dr Clark & Dr Marks at SAI is that their experience and status as international injector trainers for Restylane has allowed them to fine tune injection techniques to reduce risk.

When undertaking a dermal filler treatment both the choice of product and the rate at which it is injected with affect the potential to bruise. You will notice then than both doctors at SAI will only opt for the slowest injection rate after very specific anatomy checks to ascertain the correct dermal filler product choice.

Technique is everything

There is more to technique than simply achieving the result. To avoid social downtime it is paramount that your doctor does not use unnecessary injection techniques. Experienced doctors like Dr Marks & Dr Clark at SAI understand how to achieve results with minimal needle passes or punctures, as each one increases risk of bruising & swelling.

The blunt-tipped micro cannula is another tool that the team at SAI have been implementing for a number of years to further reduce bruising. In many cases advanced injection technique means that at SAI an entire dermal filler treatment is completed with as little as a single needle puncture on each side of the face. The micro-cannula is known to eliminate pain and discomfort during a dermal filler treatment session too. The reason is a combined length of the cannula allowing full reach through out the face and also being blunt-tipped minimises rupturing vessels beneath the skin that ultimately leads to visible bruising.

SAI Tip: Micro-Cannulas should only be used by experienced and trained doctors. In untrained hands there is increased risk of unsatisfactory aesthetic results.

Patient positioning

Of the three areas in your doctor’s control to reduce the risk of bruising, patient position during the treatment is the single most overlooked area. Reclining ever so slightly allows easy access to all the injection sites on the face, and simultaneously allows controlled pressure when making the needle puncture and when injecting the product. Ultimate control means minimised bruising. This position also allows Dr Clark or Dr Marks to hold the injection site more steadily should the patient move unexpectedly; this is without doubt the highest cause of patient bruising.

You can do your part

Finally, as a patient you can also influence your bruising potential by avoiding blood thinning medications for seven days prior to your treatment. Alcohol falls into this category too, so it would be unwise to share a bottle of wine a few days prior to your visit to SAI. Also post treatment Dr Marks & Dr Clark may provide you with topical creams to minimise social downtime, their instruction should be followed to have you out and about without anyone being the wiser.

If bruising is holding you back perhaps its time to book your appointment at SAI to discuss your concern and learn more in-depth how to reduce your risk with some of South Africans most respected and well-trained doctors. Make your appointment today: call SAI Sandton on 011 883 3116 or SAI Waterkloof on 012 460 7047

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