IMCAS Paris 2015

| January 9, 2015


IMCAS Paris is an annual event to showcase all the latest products and educate thousands of doctors from around the globe in new techniques and treatment innovations.
Dr Clark has been a regular attendee for the last few years as a Restylane, Botox, Palomar and Dermapen Key Opinion Leader.

This year however is his first visit as Restylane Global Brand ambassador. This position is only offered a few international doctors, and Dr Clark is the first South African to ever be awarded with this accolade.

In addition to his role as Global Brand Ambassador Dr Clark has been invited by the IMCAS scientific committee to present at the academic plenary sessions. These sessions are non-sponsored are only reserved for presentations of the highest academic order. They are attended by thousands of international doctors and Dr Clark is of a few doctors each year to have had the honour bestowed upon him.

His role at the congress will be to teach others about his innovative techniques, product applications and help the scientific community break new ground in the ongoing advancement of anti-ageing aesthetic medicine.

IMCAS 2014 Highlights

Category: News

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