What happens within a Sunburn
Chances are that all of us have experienced sunburn or perhaps numerous sunburns as a result of under-estimating how long that we were going to be out in the sunshine, or from not noticing that we were burning. After a serious sunburn, a learnt pain avoidance might be a strong motivator for many of us to steer clear of a sunburn. However, there are plenty of other well-documented reasons why sunburns are detrimental and should be prevented whenever possible.
Within a Sunburn
Sunburn happens when UVA and UVB rays penetrate our epidermis layers causing injury which manifests outwardly as inflammation.
When we suffer a burning sensation, and/or blisters, they are a testament to the severity of the burn. It is also possible for our body to endure a sunburn without showing visible symptoms until it is much too late, which is why we must take precaution seriously.
When symptoms are present they appear several hours after the initial harm to the skin tissue structure is done. Many people are not aware that the skin can continue being damaged for up to another 24 hours after the original burn happens, if after care is not addressed. Learning what to do after a sunburn is of importance to keep damage to a minimum and aiding the healing process.
Skin Health & Sunburns
Sunburns increase our risk of skin cancer and can cause irreversible damage to our skin structures on and below the skin’s surface. The effects of overexposure accumulate over one’s lifetime and contribute to undesirable signs of visible ageing. These can include more pronounced wrinkles, unsightly sunspots or freckles, loss of skin elasticity and uneven pigmentation. The prevention of sunburn is an important component of skincare and healthy living.
Melanin & Sunburns
Exposure to the rays of the sun triggers melanin synthesis. Some individuals might want to avoid extra pigment being made if at all possible. Reasons for this might be a desire to keep their skin tone the same and a high emphasis on skin damage and hyper-pigmentation prevention. Not everyone becomes ‘bronzed’ ; for some sunlight equals freckles and moles. Even if you do ‘bronze’, skin cells loose their hyrdration, skin elasticity will eventually become reduced and wrinkles form – not to mention the increased risk of skin cancer.
Those who intentionally seek sun exposure in an effort to induce pigment production do so in order to get a tan. Experts agree that tanning has inherent risks including a mild to severe sunburn if not done prudently. Read up on the do and don’ts of tanning to best mitigate potential skin damaging from occurring if you choose to tan.
Preventing sun – skin damage
Minimizing sun exposure will always be the number one way to keep your skin safe.
This is done when you:
- Cultivate an awareness of the length of time and the time of day in which you leave skin uncovered.
- Make use of adequate sun protection products. Including sunhats, protective clothing, and products which feature SPF protection.
Crystal Tomato has been shown to provide between a 25-35 SPF factor when taken as a daily supplement so it can aid in keeping you safe from preventable aging. The colourless carotenoids it contains inhibit Melanin production. This helps protect against the formation of sunspots and freckles as well as preventing skintone from becoming darker. In fact, Crystal Tomato supplements will lighten your skintone over time.
Crystal Clarity Cream can be applied topically to combat areas of hyper-pigmentation which are already present.
Crystal tomato products are safe to use and have no side effects. They offer the capability to be an important link in your shield against damage from the sun.
For convenience, you can order Crystal Tomato products via the SAI Online Store
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