Dermapen for Hair Loss

| September 5, 2018

The Dermapen is an excellent medical tool. This handheld device is capable of a variety of applications. From Skin Rejuvenation to reducing visible ageing and eliminating scarring, the list of conditions Dermapen can effectively treat with excellent results continues to grow. Dermapen has been proven as an appropriate treatment to achieve Hair Restoration.

Hair Loss Overview

Hair Loss (Androgenetic Alopecia) affects both men and women.

Hair Loss can be caused and influenced by multiple factors. These include genetics, stress, hormones, illness, and medications among others. Losing one’s hair can be traumatizing. Visibly shifting hairlines, loss of volume and bald patches can negatively affect body image and confidence. It is important to correctly medically diagnosis hair loss as it will aid appropriate treatment selection.

If you are concerned about the dreaded shed or a receding hairline, it is time to take a closer look at the possibilities of Dermapen Treatments to help you get your full head of hair back.

Dermapen Treatment for Hair Loss

The Dermapen is capable of treating Hair Loss and stimulating hair re-growth.

This is how it works:

Micro-gauge sized needles are set to penetrate to specific depths in the dermal layer located on the scalp.

A depth of 1.5 – 2.0 mm allows the needle to reach the region where hair follicles are generated. The Dermapen stimulates blood flow, signals key proteins to be activated, delivers vital cell nutrients, and fuels new hair follicle creation.

Benefits of using Dermapen to treat Hair Loss

Using Dermapen holds a number of distinct advantages.

The Dermapen procedure is considered very low-risk, making it an option for individuals who want to avoid aggressive treatment options. Another unique aspect of Dermapen is that it allows for focussed treatment exactly where you want &/ need it most! Dermapen treatment can be paired with other hair stimulating formulations which can be applied directly onto the scalp. In fact, the Dermapen may even enhance the absorption of any other simultaneously employed revitalizing treatments boosting results even further.

Dermapen treatments have also been shown to be effective in re-growing hair even when conventional therapies and treatments have failed.*

*Source []

Procedure, Recovery & Results

Treatment is done in our clean and comfortable SAI Aesthetic Clinic.

It is considered an out-patient procedure with minimal risks. A local numbing crème is applied to the scalp. After this numbing crème takes effect, the Dermapen is employed. Most individuals report only slight discomfort if any at all. Treatment time is under one hour.

Dr. Clark may apply a hair activating formulation or recommend a post-treatment homecare formula. No downtime is required but the skin can be sensitive post-treatment, which dissipates within 24hours. While signs of the reversal of Hair Loss may be seen in as few as two treatments, no less than four treatments are recommended. Eight to ten treatments are considered optimal.

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