Closing dates & 2018 re-opening dates
Avoid disappointment by booking early … before we close
As with many businesses, SAI will be closing for the December holidays.
We encourage you to ensure that your skin is in perfect condition by booking early to avoid missing out due a full diary. We have some incredible holiday specials & if this not enough reason to visit us before you leave then make sure to get your online shopping orders in, as the admin team for the online store will be on leave too.
The SAI clinic will be closed from 15 December & will reopen on 2 January 2018.
SAI Clinic Closing
Closing: 15 December 2017
Opening: 2 January 2018
SAI Online Store Closing
Closing: 14 December 2017
Opening: 2 January 2018
To ensure that you have your holiday skin appointments booked please call the offices on 011 883 3116. Similarly, don’t be shy to call & ask any questions you may have regarding treatments or special offers.
Category: News