Changing face of Aesthetics

| November 2, 2015

Beauty is not as timeless as you think

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or is it? Facial aesthetics is as much part of popular culture as is fashion and hairstyles these days. From an aesthetic medicine point of view this makes for incredibly fascinating viewing, and a challenging combination of medicine, popular aesthetics, art and fashion.

The changes in aesthetics

marIf we use Hollywood as the base to judge the changing face of beauty over time, it is fascinating to see how the accepted face of beauty has morphed. From the perfect features of Grace Kelly to the curvaceous Marilyn Monroe, then on to the defined Cindy Crawford and Michelle Pfeifer to the voluptuous Angelina Jolie and Scarlet Johansson – these women have all been regularly fawned over within the patient’s chair and it has been the doctors’ challenge to meet those expectations.

Today the world is gravitating toward a more accessible beauty. That of Jennifer Aniston or Jennifer Lawrence – it would appear that these women possess a natural symmetry that we all believe we can achieve. And symmetry is the key word.  Although it may appear that the features change over time, the constant factor remains symmetry.

Research has proven that individuals whose left side of their face closely matches that of their right i.e. symmetrical are deemed to be more attractive than individuals whose features don’t. And it as such that Dr Clark & Dr Marks use what is called the Golden Ratio to better treat our patients, as without divine intervention the only way to achieve pure symmetry is with a steady hand and latest aesthetic techniques.

The Golden Ratio

The golden ratio is not a new concept. Renaissance artists first used it to create their masterpieces. Today the golden ratio is far more formulaic and it can be applied to each and every patient at SAI.

The golden ratio offers the doctors at SAI 29 measurements to determine ideal beauty and what individual approach should be taken to achieve your personal result:

  1. The length of the face – according to the measurements the best base to start from is when your face is 1 and half times long as it is wide.
  2. Segmenting the face – which evaluates the face in terms of thirds. Divide the face in segments between the brow hairline and the eyes, the eyes and the bottom of the nose and then the bottom of the nose to below the chin.
    If the segments are equal then you have a greater chance of facial symmetry.
  3. Symmetry and proportion – the above-mentioned have very little scope for change so we focus our attention on symmetry and proportion. This creates a massive impact on how the world perceives your beauty.These measurements take the form of measuring the distance between the eye and the cheek or the height of the nose tip in relation to your ears. These, with aesthetic techniques, can all be changed.

Changing symmetry and proportion

If we know that you lack volume in the left side of your face, and also score poorly in terms of the golden ratio with regards to the distance between your nose tip and your upper lip, we may recommend a combination treatment of volumising dermal fillers to create left and right symmetry and a few units of Botulinum toxin to create a perfect gap between the nose and upper lip.

Make an Appointment

Are you aware of the golden ratio? Of course Dr Marks & Dr Clark will readily treat your concerns but it is interesting to understand from where their beauty recommendations for you come from. Call SAI Sandton on 011 883 3116 or SAI Waterkloof on 012 460 7047 today.

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