The Causes of Skin Redness
Skin Redness is an issue that can affect both women and men during any stage of life. Skin redness that is visible on facial skin may influence an individual to feel self-conscious or socially awkward.
Understanding the origin and what is influencing redness on your skin is vital to deciding on appropriate treatments to reduce and eliminate it.
Common Culprits of Skin Redness
Skin redness is frequently connected with dietary choices. Food allergies regularly result in changes on the skin including texture and colour. Rosacea, a skin condition that is linked with red-flushes on the epidermis can be triggered by certain foods.
Nutritional sensitivities may stay the same throughout one’s life, change, or develop due to auto-immune conditions or other changes inside the body.
Sun Exposure
Sunburn comes to mind when we think of reddened skin. However, the truth is that accumulated sun damage can result in reddened skin that is more than just simply ‘sunburn’. Harmful UVA and UVB rays destroy the skin’s inner structures over time. This affects the small veins that lace the dermis.
When these delicate veins weaken and burst close to the surface of the skin it is called Actinic Purpura. This condition appears as redness which can be mild or severe.
Sun exposure can also exacerbate spider veins in fair skinned people, especially in sensitive facial skin like the cheeks and nose.
Alcohol can play a role in skin redness. Genetics determine how well one metabolises the chemical components in alcohol that increase blood pressure.
When the body isn’t coping well with the amount of alcohol consumed, the blood capillaries dilate. Over time these capillaries often deteriorate and disintegrate leaving visible redness especially around the nose and delicate facial skin.
Skin that is not properly moisturized can manifest a myriad of undesirable symptoms. These include rashes and redness. Redness caused by dehydration can be remedied by restoring and maintaining optimum moisture levels within the skin’s membrane.
Other causes of skin redness may include infections and unfortunately by certain prescription medicine. These require medical attention to treat &/ control.
Curing Skin Redness
Determining the cause of skin redness is the first step towards eliminating it.
If the redness you are experiencing is linked with or resulting from lifestyle or UV exposure – treatment is possible. Restoring an even skin tone will require re-establishing moisture and combating sun damage or possibly both for best results.
At SAI we use personalized IV treatments paired with scientifically formulated professional-strength homecare to deal with dehydration and its accompanying redness factor.
IPL treatments: employ specific spectrums of light to treat redness on the face. IPL can eliminate visibly broken capillaries and redness that has resulted from sun damage &/ other lifestyle factors including alcohol consumption. Results are seen fairly quickly from the IPL procedure. It offers the added benefit of requiring little, if any, downtime.
Chemical Peels: In some instances, a chemical peel may also be recommended as an auxiliary treatment depending on your skin’s condition & your aesthetic goals.
Not sure what might be right for you?
Contact SAI today to consult with professionals that can help you determine which is the appropriate treatment for the unwanted skin redness that you are experiencing.
Visia™ Technology
Our skincare medical professionals utilize Visia™ Technology to complete an assessment of your skin’s strengths and weaknesses throughout the different layers of skin. Knowledge allows you to determine appropriate procedure and product selection; which saves you time & money in achieving healthy skin.
SAI Specials
Address and Eliminate Unwanted Redness and Save while you do!
1. IPL – for sun damage and redness. Normal package R10520, Special package less 15% R8942
2. IV Drips – also for sun damage, uneven skin-tone and pigmentation. Normal package R10 500, Special Package Price less 15% R8925
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