Award Winning Anti-Ageing at SAI

| November 28, 2013

Where only the best will do….

winnerDr Clark at SAI is extremely proud of his association with Restylane. He represents the brand as an international trainer, speaker and brand ambassador. Restylane as a brand are consistently improving their product selection and lead the way in terms of innovation for new direction within the dermal filler and aesthetic market. This constant evolution has been rewarded with an international award.

MyFaceMyBody – UK

The “MyFaceMyBody” Awards are the only aesthetic and dentistry awards which give consumers a voice in their favourite brands, products and services. This year a team of international judges were involved in drawing up the final shortlist in the 18 categories covering the dental, aesthetic and media industry.

Restylane won the category for Best Anti-Ageing Treatment.

Voted for by real consumers.
The “MyFaceMyBody” Awards have been designed to recognise and reward brands for their product innovation, effectiveness and popularity and because the Awards are voted on by the consumer the process is more transparent, fair and meaningful to the winners.

Dr Clark and his team at SAI are proud to stock Restylane dermal filers and home Skincare ranges and should you want to know more about the product innovation or undergo a treatment, please make an appointment to see Dr Clark at SAI today call 011 883 3116 now.

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