Achieve Better Chemical Peel Results

| January 2, 2018

It’s all about pre- & post- homecare

Ongoing improvements in cosmeceutical products now allow us to prepare the skin for aesthetic treatments, radically improve recovery, post- peel comfort & post- peel results.

Pre- Chemical Peel Homecare

Incorporating an exfoliator & cleanser into your homecare regime will influence chemical peel results as they prepare the skin for the treatment. Exfoliator products clear the outer excess layers of skin which allows for better chemical peel penetration.

A cosmeceutical grade cleanser is advantageous for both result & recovery. A cleanser selected for your skin will maintain skin barrier function & allow the skin to accept the chemical peel more readily & enable the cellular structure to aid in recovery.

Top Tip: The SAI Skin Resurfacing Lotion not only exfoliates but it hydrates too, aiding in pre- peel skin preparedness & the hydration will help with recovery too. Alternatively, you can visit the SAI Online Shop to explore the Exfoliator & Cleanser products we recommend.

SAI Skin Resurfacing Lotion

Post-Chemical Peel Homecare

Post- chemical peel, the most important factor, is to minimize inflammation. The sooner your skin returns to normal cellular functioning the faster you will recovery. Many cosmeceutical post-recovery creams do exist but you want to look specifically for a product that helps repair cellular structures & reduces inflammation. As an add on bonus you can select a homecare product that also soothes the skin.

Visit the SAI Online Store to browse the SAI selected post-treatment products. We endorse them for post-treatment care for chemical peel, laser & dermal fillers

Although this is a brief overview of how homecare products can and will affect treatment recovery & results we do recommend that you speak to your SAI therapist for homecare product advice. Call SAI on 011 883 3116 or visit the Online Store for product details.

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