A Spotlight on Anti-Ageing Packages
The lowdown on treatment packages
Treatment packages are in the spotlight. They deserve to be, with so much on offer & extended treatment protocols but before jumping in & booking any old package… you should ask yourself the question: Why? A good package should offer three distinct advantages to you the patient.
First, packages offer patients an ongoing treatment plan to tackle their skin ageing needs over time. This allows for more gentle treatment tactics & ultimately make the visits more a pleasure than a pain.
Second, packages help maintain an active view of your skin age. As you age and in the course of a year, your skin will be the visible representation of your inner health. Stress shows on your skin, so too overeating or indulgent drinking. With continued visits, the trained therapists at SAI or Dr Clark will identify & treat the visible signs of ageing before they betray your true age.
Lastly, package deals also make aesthetic medicine more affordable. Why wouldn’t you opt for proven results over time, especially if they impact your budget less?
Understanding packages
Of course not all ageing skin ailments can be treated with package aesthetic offers. Some instances single, accurate treatments are required to combat your specific concern. There are however a few treatments that would benefit all SAI patients on an ongoing basis or that 90% of patients who take their skin age seriously should consider. For more detailed information we suggest reading our Skin Ageing Hierarchy of Needs article to see exactly why these packages benefit nearly everyone.
What strikes us is that many patients enjoy the benefits of package offers but are unaware that others exists for areas that may concern them. That is why we have put together our top five packages & why they are so popular. Should you wish to chat to a therapist regarding a package, please call SAI today on 011 883 3116 & remember that all our packages are on special offer in May 2018.
Copper package
6 chemical peels, 6 Microdermabrasion & a Sunblock
The Copper Package is our most popular at SAI. Ideal at any time of the year & most who book this package book double to ensure they are covered for all 12-months of the year. This is a combination package to ensure the perfect complexion.
Light chemical peels fast track exfoliation to showcase a bright & even skin tone without a single second downtime. Followed by a microdermabrasion to induce collagen production for a glowing complexion.
Your only area of concern will be to minimise exposure to direct sunlight for a day or so… and that’s why we throw in a sunblock. Treatments are separated monthly or to fast track results, frequency can be shorted to every three weeks.
The Copper Package will benefit everyone. Stress & city living clog your skin & hasten ageing, this package not only keeps your skin breathing, your pores open & your complexion clear but it also stimulates youthful collagen & cellular turnover to prevent skin ageing.
OPL Pigmentation Package (Optimised Pulsed Light)
5 sessions
R10 570*
The OPL (Optimised Pulsed Light) Package offers one of the few instances where we can target unsightly colour spots, sun spots, spider veins & rosacea on the face. OPL uses pulsed laser to target melanin or haemoglobin on the skin cells. Targeting & heating tarnished visible cells destroys the cells after which they are absorbed by the body to leave your skin blemish free. You no longer need to live with those spider veins or sun spots.
As we are targeting individual cells it makes sense to make a few visits to ensure the treatment protocols have eradicated them all. Five sessions will suffice for 90% of cases & treatments are separated bi-weekly. There is no pain during treatments & zero downtime.
The joy of OPL is that we also use this technology for Laser Hair Removal but not many patients are aware that this package will suite their hair loss ambitions. The same principle applies here. We heat the hair follicle during the growth phase & this destroys it. Not all hair is in the growth phase at the same time hence the need for multiple treatments & where packages make sense to the budget.
IV Brightening Package with Glutathione
8 sessions
R10 585*
As an underlying factor in the Skin Ageing Hierarchy of Needs it is clear that skin hydration is a key factor in reducing the onset of skin ageing. A hydrated skin allows for improved cellular communication, accurate removal of impurities & assists with skin elasticity and skin brightness.
A dehydrated skin however slows exfoliation, becomes brittle & compromises skin barrier function. Moisturiser can only take the skin so far, especially within the city limits & high stress lifestyle we live in the Highveld.
Glutathione IV Drips in this regard are a God send. A glutathione infused drip is inserted to your arm while you read a book or do some work. When has a treatment sounded so easy or allowed you to send a few emails?
Each treatment lasts approximately one hour, but the results are phenomenal.
The vitamin cocktail assists with cellular health to ensure cellular turnover & communication. This means a glowing & bright complexion. Increased hydration levels also plump the skin while allowing for improved nutrient diffusion. The benefits are felt throughout the body but everyone will notice your brighter friendlier complexion.
We offer this package as an eight session package. We recommend monthly treatments but suggest additional treatments through winter or prior to a big event where you need to look & feel your best.
Ultimate Anti-Ageing Package (Fractional Full Face)
3 sessions
R13 070*
This is a package designed for those that require a deep rejuvenation. For many years of sun & stressful living take their toll but the desire to undergo a treatment does not strike until severe action needs to be taken.
At SAI we do not like long downtime, nor unpleasant treatments for our patients.
This is why we offer our Ultimate Anti-Ageing Package as a three treatment package. We could be more aggressive but that would lead to an uncomfortable experience. This is the safer & pain-free approach.
Fractional Laser rejuvenates your skin by targeting deep cellular structures in a grid fashion. The majority of skin is left untouched but the deep targeting in the treated areas kick-starts the healing cascade in surrounding tissues to flood the area with collagen. This influx of youthful collagen rejuvenates the skin from deep within & results reveals themselves with reduced wrinkles, improved complexion & more elastic skin.
Multiple treatments are required as the ideal candidate for this treatment will need to reverse years of visible ageing. As a three-part package separated monthly the team at SAI can effectively remove years from your visible age and create a skin platform to target specific areas of concern.
Skin Rejuvenation Package (DermaPen Face)
6 sessions
Each & every patient that visits SAI would benefit from our DermaPen Skin Rejuvenation Package. DermaPen is a combination protocol whereby we use accurate needling & vitamin cocktails to provide skin cells with essential nutrients but also to kick-start the healing cascade on a more superficial level.
Treatments last between 30-min & 1-hour, and six sessions per year will create Skin Ageing Hierarchy of Need level 2 support for ultimate anti-ageing results.
DermaPen offers incredibly accurate treatments, which translates to safe & predictable results. Once a DermaPen package is complete your skin matrix is near ideal for ongoing homecare or absorption of actives to maintain anti-ageing results… this is why we often book patients second package on a bi-monthly schedule to keep their collagen levels optimum throughout the year.
*Prices correct at time of publishing. Pricing is subject to change without notice.
Packages tackle each level of the Skin Ageing Hierarchy of Needs & in May 2018 all our packages are on Special Offer. That being said, our team will discuss your skin needs in person following a skin assessment to offer you the best advice & most appropriate package offers to achieve your skin goals in 2018. Call SAI today on 011 883 3116 to make your appointment or simply call to discuss the multiple packages on offer.
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