5 Answers to the most Interesting Aesthetic Questions
Q&A about Dermal Fillers and Toxins
At SAI we continually field aesthetic questions, and although global research revealed that 92% of women would rather speak directly with an expert before trying or purchasing an aesthetic treatment or product, here at SAI our patients much prefer using our Facebook or Blog channels to get their basic information.
So what Dr Clark and his team at SAI decided to do was create a Q&A about questions they wanted you to know the answers to, about Dermal Fillers and Botox and post them here.
Dr Clark answers:
What is the ideal dermal filler, and what is the ideal Botulinum Toxin?
There is no perfect answer to this question, in the world of dermal fillers a great advancement is the idea that different fillers are best suited for different areas – I use Restylane dermal fillers, as they have been preaching this theory for over 10 years.
In terms of Botulinum toxin’s I think there is sufficient choice today, and the difference between each toxin is minimal. The ideal Botulinum toxin for me is Botox, as it offers me peace of mind and predictable results, which is exactly what you want from this type of product.
In both cases, the question should be not what is the perfect filler or toxin, but the perfect technique or doctor.
Are alternatives to injectable Botulinum toxin viable?
In my mind the jury is out on this one. For now! In my opinion the principle idea behind injecting Botox is to treat dynamic wrinkles that are caused by over active muscles. This means that to treat specific areas, you need very accurate placement, and that means right now the best bet is to inject the toxin directly into the muscle.
Another benefit of the current Botulinum toxin protocol is that the results are temporary. This allows us to alter the treatments to better suit your visible age, as you age, which keeps results extremely natural.
Any deviation toward topical creams means lack of accuracy and then reduced results, similarly permanent alternatives to Botulinum toxin eliminate the option of ageing gracefully. That is why I’m yet to be convinced of any decent alternatives, but this is medicine, so I always leave my mind open to proven change.
What is missing in the world dermal fillers?
Evolution in the dermal fillers market is so fast, that I believe most of what I think is missing from the market will be corrected by the end of 2014.
For me personally, I think pain is the biggest hurdle to overcome when dealing with dermal fillers. We, at SAI, do all we can to provide pain free treatments by using product with lidocaine, topical anaesthetics, and dental blocks.
If there was something missing from the world of dermal fillers, it would by thinner needles/cannulas that could inject thicker dermal fillers. Either the filler needs to change, or quite possibly both the filler and the needle/cannula. This would further reduce discomfort and also put the patients mind at ease.
Other than that the next phase of dermal filling would include body augmentation, but that again would require new products, specific techniques and training.
What are the SAI ‘non-negotiables’ for filler and toxin products?
This is an easy answer:
- Patient safety
- Product predictability
- Efficiency and Longevity
Those are my non-negotiable’s in that order. These criteria are what I base all my decisions on when introducing any new product, treatment or protocol at SAI.
What could you predict for the future of injectable products?
As mentioned earlier, I predict a move towards incorporating body treatments into patient options. This has been tried already with minimal success in the breasts, but I predict this could be the non-surgical future.
Another prediction would be that fillers might soon include some form of skin nutrition to assist in longevity, reabsorption of the product or overall skin quality. This makes sense that the next evolution would be to add to the hyaluronic acid benefit with additives to improve skin quality.
To have all your personal questions answered by Dr Clark at SAI call and make your appointment now 011 883 3116. Alternatively you can always leave a post or message on the SAI Facebook page.
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